티스토리 뷰

Game Design Story

Games & Culture Issue #1

chauchau0 2006. 2. 15. 12:30

창간호라 그런지 게임을 왜 공부하는가에 대한 주제가 주를 이룬다.
끝 없는 물음을 계속하게 되는 주제에 관해 명쾌한 의견이 있을지 살펴봐야 겠다.
현재 Free 로 볼 수 있으니 가입하는 것도 괜찮은 방법일 것이다.

SAGE Publications http://gac.sagepub.com/

Toby Miller
Gaming for Beginners
Games and Culture 1: 5-12.

Dmitri Williams
Why Game Studies Now? Gamers Don't Bowl Alone
Games and Culture 1: 13-16.

Celia Pearce
Productive Play: Game Culture From the Bottom Up
Games and Culture 1: 17-24.

Greg Lastowka
Law and Games Studies
Games and Culture 1: 25-28.

Tom Boellstorff
A Ludicrous Discipline? Ethnography and Game Studies
Games and Culture 1: 29-35.

Yasmin B. Kafai
Playing and Making Games for Learning: Instructionist and Constructionist Perspectives for Game Studies
Games and Culture 1: 36-40.

Ian Bogost
Comparative Video Game Criticism
Games and Culture 1: 41-46.

David Myers
Signs, Symbols, Games, and Play
Games and Culture 1: 47-51.

Joost Raessens
Playful Identities, or the Ludification of Culture
Games and Culture 1: 52-57.

James Paul Gee
Why Game Studies Now? Video Games: A New Art Form
Games and Culture 1: 58-61.

Bart Simon
Beyond Cyberspatial Flaneurie: On the Analytic Potential of Living With Digital Games
Games and Culture 1: 62-67.

Nick Yee
The Labor of Fun: How Video Games Blur the Boundaries of Work and Play
Games and Culture 1: 68-71.

Patrick Crogan
The Question of Computer Games
Games and Culture 1: 72-77.

Henry Lowood
Game Studies Now, History of Science Then
Games and Culture 1: 78-82.

David J. Leonard
Not a Hater, Just Keepin' It Real: The Importance of Race- and Gender-Based Game Studies
Games and Culture 1: 83-88.

Cynthia Haynes
Armageddon Army: Playing God, God Mode Mods, and the Rhetorical Task of Ludology
Games and Culture 1: 89-96.

Constance A. Steinkuehler
Why Game (Culture) Studies Now?
Games and Culture 1: 97-102.

Frans Mäyrä
A Moment in the Life of a Generation (Why Game Studies Now?)
Games and Culture 1: 103-106.

Fred Turner
Why Study New Games?
Games and Culture 1: 107-110.

Cory Ondrejka
Finding Common Ground in New Worlds
Games and Culture 1: 111-115.

Mark J. P. Wolf
Game Studies and Beyond
Games and Culture 1: 116-118.

Tanya Krzywinska
The Pleasures and Dangers of the Game: Up Close and Personal
Games and Culture 1: 119-122.

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